Sundaram Finance
Mylapore Festival 2025Jan 9 - 12
(All walks are free. No advance registration required.)
Food Walk - 1: Starts Indian Bank gate, N. Mada Street. Explore Mylapore’s Iconic and New Food Places – led by Sridhar Venkataraman. 90mins. Pay for what you order and eat!
WALK /TOUR - 2: Cycling Tour of some Mylapore landmarks – for teens. Start point - Rasi store gate. 6.30 am - Led by Ramanujar Moulana. All must bring their own cycles and wear helmets ( host may provide 4/5 spare helmets)
WALK 3 : Three MylaporeTemples: Histories. Traditions. Stories – Led by Chithra Madhavan. Starts outside the east gopuram of Sri Kapali Temple, At 7 a.m. For about 90mins. Open to all. No regn. required. ( Walk does not cover inside of any temples)
WALK 4: Discover the World of Traditional Games on the Floor of Sri Kapali Temple - Led by Vinitha Sidhartha. Starts 3 pm. At Navaratri Mantapam in temple.
WALK 5 : Three Stories of Sri Kapali Temple – Led by Pradeep Chakravarthy. For school children. Age - Class 4-7. They must bring drawing paper and some crayons/colour pencils. Starts at Navaratri Mantapam in temple, at 4 pm.